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TOKiMONSTA - Arkham, Shanghai

After debuting her unique brand of dance music in Shanghai last spring,TOKiMONSTA (Jennifer Lee) is returning this summer with more of her genre-hopping sound. 

The LA-based, BRAINFEEDER member is praised by tastemaker and mainstream media alike for her live performances. She’s been featured on BBC Radio 1 [UK], Pitchfork [US], Billboard [US], and Rolling Stone [US] just to name a few. Resident Advisor did a full feature on her for its Breaking Through series, spotlighting the next big artists in underground dance music. 

TOKiMONSTA’s engaging live show has taken her the world over. She’s a staple at major festivals like Coachella, Sonar, and Electric Daisy Carnival. This summer is no slouch either, with shows scheduled across Australia/New Zealand, North America, and Asia.

Join us for a night of ethereal electronic beats and bounce as we welcome back TOKiMONSTA to our stage.

Support: R3 // LINFENG // LUCE
Time: Friday, July 17th
Venue: Arkham, 1 South Wulumuqi Road
Ticket: 100RMB // 80RMB if you follow S.T.D.'s wechat


曾在Arkham登台,深受大家喜欢的TOKiMONSTA很快又要在乌鲁木齐路的地下世界与我 们重逢。受到童年古典背景的影响,TOKiMONSTA对音乐见解独特。她的拿手好戏是新旧融合,往往通过混响为节奏鲜明的摩登旋律加上空灵的vintage外衣,并且不受曲风的限制,轻易拿捏不同质感,营造愉悦的,微醺一般的迷幻气氛。

TOKiMONSTA的音乐响起在全球的音乐电台中,包括BBC Radio1 (UK), NPR (USA), BBC World Service (UK), JWave (JP), Studio Brussels (BE), Radio Nova (FR), KCRW (LA)。除此之外,她独特的音乐风格很快迎来嗅觉灵敏的媒体,DJ Mag, Pitchfork, The Guardian, XLR8R, Paper, LA Times, Dazed and Confused, SPIN, Wax Poetics, MTV, VIBE, Billboard, Rolling Stone, Sound and Recording等纷纷为她展开一系列特写报道。LA weekly将她评选为 LA最佳女DJ,不可忽略的是,除了DJ,TOKiMONSTA同时兼有音乐制作人的身份,她是 LA唯一加入Flying Lotus音乐团队以及音乐厂牌的女性,前者无疑代表LA音乐圈的最具影响力与活跃的团体。

2010年TOKiMONSTA在伦敦参加了大名鼎鼎的Red Bull Music Academy。2012年她与 Skrillex, Diplo, Pretty Lights, 以及Grimes等音乐人搭乘第一辆横跨整个加拿大,以电音为主题的火车音乐之旅Full Flex Express tour。她是Golden Voices’ first ocean cruise festival最最初的入驻音乐人之一,除此之外还参加了Coachella, Sonar Barcelona, DEMF, WMC, Electric Zoo, SXSW, Camp Bisco, Decibel Festival等一系列音乐节。

尽管TOKiMONSTA在音乐的道路已经小有成就,她的音乐神经从未松懈。她希望能够保持前沿,关注列表里除了音乐便是与时俱进的先进技术。当然,这造福了我们,准备好让你 的耳朵被奇妙致幻的音乐“蹂躏”了吗?

Support: R3 // LINFENG // LUCE