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Moon Boots - Arkham, Shanghai

Like most people, sometimes we like it simple; we just like to feel good. We crave that quick respite from the gritty romp of daily life; the chance to kick back, smile, and unite in knowing that everything ain’t so bad after all. Well good news, we’ve got something that’s gonna hit the spot. Coming our way next is one of Earth’s grooviest guardians of feel-good tunes, Moon Boots.

Moon Boots is an American producer turned DJ who is also one of the smoothest and most refined remixers around. Representing the esteemed record label, French Express (they actually call themselves “protectors of the feel good”), Moon Boots weaves ultra-groovy R&B/Disco-infused House in a way so sexual and caressing that it plays like disco-in-the-clouds. Essentially all of his music, whether remixed or original, logically ends in dancing and smiles. Have a taste of his talent with “Love Strong” (original) or "The Mother We Share” (remix) to get yourself going.

When all is said and done, Moon Boots will likely be one of the funkiest house DJs to ever visit Arkham. He’ll provide a truly quality batch of underground boogie with the perfect garnish of womp, and as the Shanghai heat starts to rise, this set is our perfect gateway to summer. Come unprotected.

Time: Friday, June 5th
Venue: Arkham, 1 South Wulumuqi Road
Ticket: 80RMB // 60RMB if you follow S.T.D's Wechat

Moon Boots的名字非常有画面感地概述了音乐人的行曲风格,个人简介栏里,他写道:These boots were made for hopping in zero gravity。也就是当节奏响起的时候,飘忽的乐符抽走密闭空间里的空气分子,你便已然进入没有重力的真空世界,成为晃动在音乐波浪中一叶帆舟。 
当然,出生在美国航空海岸卡纳维拉尔角的年轻音乐人注定与太空有着千丝万缕的联系,走上音乐道路之前,他在国际太空站工作。乏味空间-严肃军事-冷酷工业的环境压缩饼干似的压抑Moon Boots的神经,直到Underground Disco以及R&B走入酷小伙的生命,他的音乐道路由此展开。 
Moon Boots非常清楚什么样的音乐可以释放堆积大脑的烦躁因子,他善于利用Disco活泼的节奏,点缀R&B不羁的嘶吼,同时带有些许放克的幽默感。尽管早期太空站的工作经历乏味,却令年轻的艺术家得以拥抱宇宙,令他的音乐更多了些神秘的音序组合。 
Moon Boots表示不便透露自己工作室的坐标,搞得这么神秘兮兮,我们还不是要在Arkham见到你! 

Support: R3,EL’SE,Allan Marshall

Earlier Event: May 19
Squarepusher - Arkham, Shanghai
Later Event: July 17
TOKiMONSTA - Arkham, Shanghai