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Luke Vibert - The Shelter, Shanghai

Undoubtedly the pioneer of acid house, Luke Vibert completely changed the reign of electronic music in the UK. Vibert and Aphex Twin grew up in the burgeoning electronic scene of Cornwall but quickly became bored of their daily dose of Cornish folk electro. But soon out of this boredom came creation – the emergence of synthesized psychedelic acid waves with regular ol’ house music. Having introduced neo-ambient trip hop to the world, the duo graced all over the world doing live collaborations and to this day still remain as kings on that particular sound stage. 

Always pushing solo work under his own acclaim, Vibert released Lover’s Acid in 2005 revealing a keen sense of acid music genius in conjunction with hip hop funk. Opening with “Funky Acid Stuff,” you get the satisfying sense that the whole album is going to include hip-hop bassline samples that comes complete with wonderfully obnoxious acid lines. But don’t worry, if you’re not all into spacey mid-tempo beats; some of his songs still carry a harder techno tune to satiate those dancing feet. 

A true protagonist for music, he made Wagon Christ a moniker to be praised. His “Tomorrow” album is built around a dizzying array of symphonic old classics and threatening vocal samples spun in a hundred and one directions. “Ain’t He Heavy, He’s My Brother,” sounds like an instrumental outtake by A Tribe Called Quest on psychedelic wind downs. 

Vibert is a true creator, putting all the funky spacey acid love he has into all tracks. Why miss a night with this legendary icon?

Support: Acid Pony Club/Shanghai Ultra/DJ Zammo/LON
Date: April 27th,Saturday
Venue: The Shelter,5 Yong Fu Lu
Ticket: Pre-sale 60RMB,DOOR 120RMB

在英国独立乐界的重要地位始于上世界90年代初,入行二十年的他头顶Plug、Wagon Christ这些大名鼎鼎的身份横跨数个音乐风格和数个大牌厂牌(Mo Wax、Warp、Ninjia Tune、Planet Wu等等),一直活跃至今,音乐构想从未停止,每每有新作诞生,必获得满堂彩。 

少年时以朋克乐队出道,不过迅速转变身份开始个人电子乐计划,在老家康沃尔留下了创造性的年轻之声。受80年代末英国舞曲影响,又开始对Hip-Hop产生兴趣,Vibert决心投入个人卧室实验音乐计划。在结实了Aphex Twin的厂牌Rephlex Records团队后,1993年,Vibert同厂牌下的艺人Jeremy Simmonds发行了第一张专辑“Weirs”(这一有纪念意义的组合在15年后卷土重来发行了第二张专辑“Rodulate”)。这张专辑得到了一线厂牌Rising High的注意,1994年,顺应当年音乐潮流,Vibert第一次以Wagon Christ的名义发行了一张Ambient风格的专辑“PhatLab. Nightmare”。在之后的岁月里,Wagon Christ成为了Vibert最热衷使用的化名,另一个值得注意的化名是昙花一显的Plug,1996年的专辑“Drum and Bass for Papa”是Drum and Bass风格不可磨灭的经典,封面上身着中国传统服饰的魔术师祖父让人印象深刻(这一化名同样在时隔15年后卷土重来,将旧日录音重新整理发行)。 

1999年末开始,Vibert的工作中心转到同英国钢弦吉他大师BJ Cole的合作,在BJ Cole的提议下两人合作了一张天马行空的专辑“Stop The Panic”,电子乐与吉他演奏杂糅在一起达到前所未有的梦幻意境。与其他音乐人的合作也十分频繁,2002年与Aphex Twin搭档了几首单曲,其中就有经典作品“Analord”,Vibert同Squarepusher、U-Ziq等人也联系甚密。Vibert之后陆续启用Amen Andrew、Kerrier District、Spac Hand Luke等化名进行创作和发行,他开始更大胆地探索Acid House、Funky、Disco、Trip Hop等风格。2007年,Vibert与法国电子乐巨匠Jean-Jacques Perrey合作了专辑Moog Acid,完成新老两代电子大师的直接对话。 

重新定义了电子乐的Luke Vibert将在4月27日第一次登陆上海,带你穿梭过去二十年的英国电子音乐景象。