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DANGER & PHON.O - The Shelter, Shanghai

A different kind of French DJ rise-to-recognition story presents itself, disc jockey and producer Franck Rivoire AKA. Danger - landmarks electro-pop film-soundtracks of the 80’s. He brings a unique stronghold to the French electro scene with old slap-bass, scruffy synth lines and drum machines reminiscent from the heyday of tape players and power rangers. 

His deep fascination with video games creates a full dynamism in his EP, starting with a twisty opener in 11h30, induced by a midnight rave in 14h54, and a final cool-off ending in 19h11. A range of distinct sounds, settings and moods are evoked by his comic-like compilation, making you a visualizer of your own series. 

Danger has proven to stun live shows around the world with more plain-stage remixes for Sebastien Tellier, Estelle ft. Kanye, Black Eyed Peas, La Roux and Midnight Juggernauts. Being at one of his live shows is said to be a full sematic experience, visual effects enhance beats to carry listeners to another atmosphere, an adventure through a show of universal references and symbols. 

Joining him will be DJ and musician PHON.O, an audio-prenuer who mixes unconventional combinations of intergalactic hip hop, sexybooty IDM, future garage and anything beyond typical contemporary genre boundaries. 

He’s released tracks on Cytrax, an itchy, noisy, dubby Californian techno lable, Tigerbeat6, a radioactive producer influenced by dirty south crunked out hip hop, and infamous Boysnoize Rec. and has even gone on to collaborate with Chris de Luca from Funkstörung under the moniker CLP. 

His own album, Black Boulder was an immediate record to fame. In this release, PHON.O controls twiggy percussion with smears of organ sounds. At a constant work in subterranean realms, vocal samples and synth textures fiddle smoothly beneath motorized melodies. 

These two appearances will surely bring you to another realm. Come unhinge and place yourself in this meta night. 

Support: LinFeng/ADO8
Date: April 19th Friday
Venue: The Shelter,5 Yong Fu Lu
Tickets: 80RMB



Phon.o从东德哈茨山下小村庄走出,早在90年初就与好伙伴Apparat一起打碟,经常的农场演出是他们电子生涯的开端。1997年Phon.o前往电子重镇柏林探索更大天地,很快便有了第一批自己的作品,在2000年在Cytrax出版了第一张单曲,被柏林同行视为巨大惊喜。柏林生活为Phon.o的作品注入了数不胜数的新鲜元素,而短暂的Cytrax生涯也在2001年给Phon.o带来了第一张专辑“Partition B”。之后又被德国老牌DJ T. Raumschmiere签入自家厂牌Shitkatapult,新鲜环境里的Phon.o表现出狂风骤雨般的创作热情和统治力,取之不尽的主意被加到现场和DJ Set中,Phon.o的脚步也从欧洲走到亚洲、美洲。音乐事业渐入佳境时,Phon.o选择到柏林艺术学院学习传播设计,以在音像和视觉上有更出色发挥。 

2005年Phon.o同Exsample共组全新计划The Bareback Show:两个DJ+四块操作台+闭纹唱片,Phon.o的卷土重来让人耳目一新。随后Phon.o在Shitkatapult发行了第二张专辑“Fire And Burns Down”,Hip-Hop、Dub、Baltimore、House、Dubstep、Techno各路风格在这张多元的作品里汇聚。在这一年,Phono.o的制作人生涯也正式启程,在Normoton厂牌下操刀数张出品。2006年,Phon.o与Chris De Luca再组CLP在club和音乐节上演爆棚演出,大获全胜,风头正劲的两位发行了一堆唱片后开始世界巡演。 

这段奇幻旅程结束后Phon.o回归自己的工作,为Modeselektor、Boys Noize、Schlachthofbronx、Juli、Leg-No&Emma、Robot Koch等人制作remix,并成为了柏林最好的club WMF担当驻场DJ。去年结束了长时间创作的Phono.o在50Weapons下发行了第三张专辑“Black Boulder”,之后参与“Monkeytown”合集创作单曲“Fukushima”更被Radiohead主脑Thom York选入自己的“BBC Essential Mix”。 


里昂青年Frank Rivoire早早就化身Danger在Electro领域占一席之地,创造一系列的八零后声响,作为先锋队员在Ekler'O'ShocK厂牌下接连发布了三张以日期命名的EP。Danger近年来迅速在法国Electro核心地带建立独属于自己的碉堡,用老式勾击贝斯、破旧合成器再加复古鼓机勾勒出别样风格,仿佛从磁带播放器和恐龙战队的时代而来。 

多种音乐风格伴随成长的Danger早年间涉猎甚广,开始尝试电子创作后自制自唱了一曲处子作“11h30”,紧接在Myspace上传数曲,迅速风靡开来,“Danger”这一名号出现在歌迷的视线里,Frank自认这一大众单词可以为其带来免费广告效应。出于对DatA等艺人的惺惺相惜,Danger随后签入同门厂牌Ekler’O’ShocK,除唱片出品外亦为其他艺人制作了大量remix,如Sebastien Tellier、Black Eyed Peas、La Roux、Boys Noize、OneRepublic等等。Danger的自我风格至始至终存在着,EP的命名方式参照了“星球大战”,而曲目的命名方式来自于录制完成时间,更重要的标志是Danger几乎永远带着的黑面具,就像Daft Punk和“最终幻想”里的黑法师一样把面目隐藏起来,Danger如同暴雨夜里走出的古怪geek,阴暗神秘又有让人疯狂的绝密武器,在环游全球的现场呼风唤雨


Earlier Event: April 13
Queen Sea Big Shark - Arkham, Shanghai
Later Event: April 27
Luke Vibert - The Shelter, Shanghai