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S.T.D. + xander zhou present generasian 亚洲新生代俱乐部

4月14号,先锋音乐派对组织S.T.D. 携手来自多元星球设计师 Xander Zhou 强势登陆上海 Arkham。寄托着Z世代信仰的超现实亚洲新生代俱乐部的帷幕即将拉开。


Air Jordan 新款发布

在本次Xander Zhou x STD “GENERASIAN” 派对上Air Jordan IV Pure Money将首次与中国知名设计师 Xander Zhou 进行特别合作。而同属今夏回归的纯白系列鞋款中的Air Jordan XXXI Low Pure Money、Air Jordan I Mid,也将一同登场。届时,Xander Zhou为Jordan品牌特别创作的手绘款也将亮相大众。


Air Jordan IV Pure Money

Air Jordan XXXI LowPure Money

 Air Jordan I Mid

这是青年文化能量辐射中心 Arkham 新址的首次登场,全新面貌的 Arkham 用“野雅”的姿态带领游走在这里的叛逆灵魂穿梭于模糊了时间与空间界限的多维梦境。现场将会邀请站在话题最前端的亚洲音乐人带来精彩演出,掀起颠覆传统派对模式的 Warehouse 奇夜。


日本新兴HIP HOP组合

Killa Crew

















派对还将揭秘另一个加速心跳的大新闻。Xander Zhou与S.T.D.的合作款T恤将首次亮相与现场来宾见面。



On April 14th, S.T.D., organizer of cutting-edge music parties, together with Xander Zhou, designer from Planet Diversity, is about to storm through Shanghai city, unveiling a restless Gen Z crowd now baptized as GENERASIAN.

This happening is set to take place at the brand new location of Arkham, a notoriously contagious spot of youth, culture and unearthly energies. On the first night of its reopening, the now “wild & refined” Arkham is promising a multi-dimensional oblivion of cross-weaved space and time for the inveterately rebellious souls. Performing on stage that night will be those dominating the Asian music scene. An ecstatic night of rules-breaking and ground-breaking should fully well be expected.

Attendance is by invitation only. Our guests of honor are exclusively the prominent big shots in fashion, music, art and head commanders of current trends. These immortals of our modern times are bound to shake things up and send shivers across the globe in this moonlit arena.


But fear not. 100 spots (and 100 only) are left open for fresh new faces off the Internet. We are looking for cool kids with attitude, personality, curiosity and a unique sense of style. To impress us, send photos of yourself along with anything that you think serves as persuasion to the following email address:

Here,we all share the belief that the flames of a true GENERASIAN soul will never be concealed, overlooked or outshined. Now is the time to put yours to test.

To spice things further up into outer space, a Xander Zhou x S.T.D. collaboration of T-shirts is set to launch on the same night. Feeling the headrush and lack of oxygen already? Well, it doesn’t end here. We won’t let it. If you are truly one of us, you will undoubtedly be called upon on April 14th, the night of zero judgment or boundaries, to put on your otherworldly clothes, release your inner beasts and unchain the dark demons. Come join us on the joyride breaking away from Planet Earth and get ready for some jaw-dropping spectacles of the unstoppable GENERASIAN. 



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