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The Presets - Arkham, Shanghai

Massive news from Down Under: Australian electronic-duo, The Presets, are soaring to Shanghai for their first ever show in the Middle Kingdom! These Aussie dance demigods, Julian Hamilton and Kimberley Moyes, have played nearly every square meter of stage outside the Orient, so it’s high time they dropped in and set Shanghai’s discos ablaze.

Their story begins nearly 20 years ago when Julian and Kimberley met at Sydney’s Conservatorium of Music, studying classical theory by day and ingesting 80′s pop by night. Their visions aligned in untrodden middle ground and the Presets were born, keen on conceiving the bastard child of emotive 80′s rock and pulsing discotheque.

By 2003 they signed with Modular Records and erupted through Sydney. In 2005 their debut album, Beam, projected their sound into Europe and the US, and they launched into an exhaustive 2-year world tour playing endless cities, stages, and festivals. Their sophomore album, Apocalypso, is the only dance album ever to win ARIA album of the year, and their most recent album, Pacifica was met with equal acclaim.

So put on your Joy Division hats and Smiths tees, and come out to Arkham on September 27th for a hit of acid house rock. Expect a fist-pumping, foot-stomping, full-on blitzkrieg of contagious kinesis; we promise your body will understand through diving, milk fighting, or just plain old dancing. Disco kids, unite.

Date: September 27th, 2013
Venue: Arkham
Address: 1 South Wulumuqi Lu, Hengshan Lu
Ticket: 120 RMB Presale, 180RMB Door
Support DJ: R3, LinFeng, Tessa
VJ: Xponja

红透全球的澳洲电音天团The Preset组建于2003年,创立伊始便签约本地大厂Modular至今成为其代言人和顶梁柱。The Presets的三张专辑全部达到金唱片以上销量,2008年的“Apocalypso”更是以榜首之势卖出了三白金。同年的ARIA(澳洲唱片工业协会)奖项评比中大包大揽了六座奖杯,同时成为了第一组获得年度最佳专辑的电子艺人,其他各类音乐奖一样拿到手软。2006年开始亮相于世界各大音乐节,从澳洲的Come Together Festival、Falls Festival到美国的Coachella Festival、SXSW Festival,还有英国的Glastonbury Festival、T In The Park Festival,均引发了最大规模的热潮。在众多歌迷翘首期盼了足足四年之久后,The Preset终于在去年发行了第3张专辑“Pacifica”,并在今年宣布首次登陆上海, 

2007年与Daft Punk等全球艺人接连合作演出后,The Presets在澳洲电音世界的统治地位开始逐步扩张,他们推出的单曲“My People”一举打破了澳洲榜单停留时间最长的纪录,“This Boy’s In Love”、“Talk Like That”、“If I Know You”几曲亦在商业上取得巨大成功。这张空前绝后的大作“Apocalypso”的轰动效应甚至延续到了第二年的奖项评比,得以继续凭此拿奖。 

除了唱片上的优异成绩,The Presets也用充满活力的现场赢得全世界关注,最著名的一场当属2011年的Coachella,他们的出色表现被誉为“生命中看过的最佳现场”!在与其他艺人开展的广泛合作中,为Kings Of Leon、Silverchair、Lenny Kravitzremix等所作remix都炙手可热,而两位成员同时也乐于为他人写歌。 

新世纪澳洲电音爆炸浪潮中,The Presets是最重要的参与者和领军人物,他们将Dance和Techno风格巧妙融合并添加摇滚元素,让人着迷。今年成军10年的The Presets除了开始全球巡演和一如既往地参加音乐节外,也获得了历史性的肯定,在“Triple J Hottest 100”的评选中以“My People”一曲登上近20年最佳金曲第77位。

Earlier Event: August 24
Para One - Arkham, Shanghai
Later Event: October 17
The Big Pink - Arkham, Shanghai