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Regurgitator - Arkham, Shanghai

"Talking about ones own music is a bit like jerking off into your own face." Quan Yeoman said that. He's in Regurgitator with Ben Ely and Peter Kostic, and they're all coming to Shanghai!

However, to save Quan the shame, we'll tell you about Regurgitator ourselves. Ben, Quan, and Peter are three manic Aussies touring on their eighth (!) album, Dirty Pop Fantasy, which is a supremely schizophrenic collage of rock, punk, electro, funk, rap and of course dirty, fantastical pop. The album began production in Melbourne and was then dragged through the neon streets of Hong Kong, where it took final form…and the innocence of every witness. Their sound is raw, id-infused, energetic, and dangerously catchy, meaning it's a shitload of dancey fun when put on stage. Plus, they have killer album artwork.

The 'Gurge have toured all over Asia, Europe, and the US. They've got two platinum albums, 5 ARIA awards (one for best album in '98), and a huge loyal following. Their songs and their shows play out like a series of machine-gun jabs that will keep you on your toes and happy. They've even got a song off the new album that goes "we love you, we'll do whatever it takes to make you happy." Thanks 'Gurge! We'll see you at Arkham!

Date: December 6th, 2013
Venue: Arkham
Address: 1 South Wulumuqi Lu, Hengshan Lu
Ticket: 50RMB

今年步入20周年的Regurgitator继2008年首次中国巡演后再受S.T.D.之邀重访故地,这队澳洲双人另类乐团亦带着他们第8张大碟 “Dirty Pop Fantasy”与上海共赴磨欲砺之独立音乐场景。 

1996年Regurgitator从主流音乐公司出发,签约华纳子厂EastWest随后远赴泰国录制首张录音室唱片“Tu-Plang”,这张小成本制作作品发行后迎来极佳反响,拿下当年ARIA Award最佳另类专辑和最佳首张专辑。一年后他们再接再厉推出生涯第一张3白金唱片销量的唱片“Unit”,同时亦赢得1998年的ARIA Award的5个奖项,其中包括年度最佳专辑,堪称乐队巅峰时刻。随后乐队在经历成员变动后小憩一阵开始多元音乐风格探索,随后的专辑基于Hip-hop创作,让歌迷们大吃一惊,也让乐队彻底和主流音乐世界告别。2001年华纳发行了精选集“Jingles”后与Regurgitator分道扬镳,Regurgitator也加入了经纪人Paul Curtis的Valve Records,成为了这个澳洲独立厂牌的旗帜乐队。 

2004年Regurgitator加入Curtis和Channel V共推的“Band in a Bubble”计划,在一间墨尔本的玻璃录音室与制作人Magoo开始为新专辑工作,通过电视直播观众们可以全程看到乐队的录音过程,这次直面观众的创作最终诞生了“Mish Mash!“这张专辑,而乐队主脑Quan Yeomans也在他的香港新家为专辑制作了remix,脱胎换骨的Regurgitator随后献演Tropfest,吸引到了3万名观众。2006年后,乐队成员开始忙于自己的side-project,而Quan Yeomans完成了”Quan: The Amateur“这部电影。2010年以EP“Distractions”回归后,乐队带来更融合的音乐肌理,今年9月的最新专辑“Dirty Pop Fantasy”更是一张有着19首曲目的超大音乐熔炉,两名初创成员分居墨尔本和香港,隔海演绎五花八门的风格。

Earlier Event: November 6
Shigeto - Arkham, Shanghai
Later Event: February 22
Gita - Arkham, Shanghai