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Yuksek - Arkham, Shanghai

S.T.D brings you Yuksek this December 29th!

Pierre-Alexandre Busson was not aware that his stage name meant “high” in Turkish, but its worked quite well for the front runner in France’s new generation of experimental electro. Yuksek ditched his conservatory days and spent his intrepid years venturing into the freedom of experimental mixes that “would almost be unlistenable.” Little by little his reputation has grown to be a key figure for those who listen and look for a natural ease to mixes of dancefloor mania, post-punk riffs, acid loops, disco grooves, house beats, Chopin waltzes, and hip-hop funk.

On stage, Yuksek’s svelte physique swoops between vintage keyboards and the FX board. Now, suave guy has let out two albums packed full of international hits such as “Tonight,” “Extraball,” and “I Like To Play” on Away From The Sea in 2006, and “On a Train,” Fireworks,” and “Always on the Run” on 2011′s Living on the Edge of Time. These albums highlight Yuksek’s ipod shuffle style and his resolutely post-schizophrenic tunes beating with a pop heart underneath it all.

Originally with Birdy Nam Nam’s label, Yukesek has crafted some of the dirtiest remixes including hits by Mika, The Kaiser Chiefs, and Ghostface Killah (Wu Tang Clan). He’s most famous for the tracks that have been released on I’m A Cliché, Rise & Relish (Living on the Edge of Time), reaching a “high” in the post disco-rock culture. Composing instinctively, all his mixes are fast and full of mood-swings, bridging the gap between electro “banger” and structures of alternative rock, pop and hip hop.

Come and enjoy this musical savant with the STD family in December, you will surely not want to miss this one.


Yuksek自2004年横空出世,一系列的优质单曲和remix备受法国乃至全球电子爱好者的追捧。2007年发行debut专辑“Away from the Sea”及去年的续作“Living on the Edge of Time”伶俐价值展现Yuksek创作功力,毫无意外横扫各大舞池。他还曾二次登陆上海,将法式电音live set演绎至极致,尤其今年一月,全场爆满享受着这开年来第一次电音盛会。离开上海,Yuksek继续巡演至亚洲、欧洲和美洲,同时还发行了新专辑中的大热单曲“Off The Wall”。电音大牌云集上海的今年快要结束时,Yuksek又将奔赴而来为这一年谢幕。 

Yuksek集各路音乐流派于一身,青少年时期受过音乐学院的传统钢琴训练,继承父母对古典音乐、法式香颂和流行老歌的喜爱,其后,接触到了摇滚乐、嘻哈乐,直至Daft Punk、Aphex Twin们开始走进Yuksek的生活,一切都变得不一样。从早期同Klanguage合作创作法式流行电音,磨练舞曲技巧开始,到单飞之后,Yuksek带来的耳目一新的旋律、复古未来主义的倾向和强劲有力的节奏让大家为之一振。这位新晋殿堂级音乐大师的排行榜前列单曲“Tonight”在去年被标志汽车选择成为两百周年纪念的主题曲目,在Youtube上已经获得了超过110万的点击量并在持续上升中,成为了Yuksek当之无愧的头号单曲。而为Lady Gaga、Gorrilaz、The Prodigy、Peaches、Moby、Phoenix、M83等所作remix同样令人印象深刻。

Earlier Event: December 14
White+ - 390, Shanghai
Later Event: December 31
Coldcut - Arkham, Shanghai